This may not look like much to those of you farther north, but this is pretty rare for Houston, Texas, especially these really cold temperatures in this Houston Winter Storm 2021. We were warned for a couple of days that this was coming and to get prepared. I just kind of went by my hurricane preparations! Luckily we had just gotten a regular grocery order so we have plenty of food. Filled some pitchers and other containers with water, even though we have plenty of bottled water, just in case. Batteries, phones charged, tablets charged, etc. So far our power is still on, but lots of people do not have it which would be miserable.
The sleet didn’t start at my house until after dinner, in the dark, so we didn’t get to “see” it, but we could hear it. I was constantly running to the front or back door to see if it was snowing yet! Later on during the night it actually snowed but it was mostly over by the time I got up this morning. I did catch the last little band of snowflakes, so I can say that I DID SEE it snow! Too bad it all didn’t come in the daylight!
It’s bitter cold for here, 18 degrees! I know it is colder other places but this is really low for Houston. And it will get colder tonight into tomorrow, so even though we have some sunshine today, they say we won’t have melting. Surprisingly, there are barely any cars on the highways, but luckily it is a holiday so I’m sure that is keeping more people home.

If there wasn’t ice underneath that snow, I would be out there playing in it! I may be old enough for Covid vaccines, but I’m still a child at heart!! But don’t want broken bones either, so I’ll just look from my door!! I can’t even go across the street to take a photo of our house!
And of course, if it is snowing, it really calls for baking chocolate chip cookies!!

It’s supposed to stay below freezing and get colder tonight. We’ve got a bit of sun but I guess it’s not going to do much! Good day for staying in and stamping!
I’m sure yesterday being Valentine’s Day had something to do with this winter storm! How many floods and hurricanes have we had on holidays the last few years?? And I guess with today being President’s Day, that just made it doubly worse!
If you are having winter weather (and most everyone is!), stay inside if you can, stay warm, stay healthy, and be careful!