It’s a snowy day in Houston, Texas and that’s pretty rare!! And the snow is still coming down as I write this! I had a project for you today but the snow is just too exciting so I have to show you snow instead! I know it’s not much compared to other parts of the country, but this is amazing for us, down here in the tropics!! There is even snow on the beach in Galveston!!! Snow On The Beach!!!
I love snow anyway being from Missouri, as long as I’m home baking cookies or brownies and not driving in it. I have driven in a few snowstorms, even blizzards and that’s not good and not fun. But being inside and watching a pretty snow coming down is magical! I wasn’t expecting snow to still be falling when I got up this morning but it was really coming down!
I haven’t ventured outside yet so I only have photos taken from my front door or back door or window. If it is not too slippery I will get out there and make a snowman! Maybe not a big one but at least a few inches tall! We do get snow, sometimes just flakes coming down that don’t stick or accumulate, every few years maybe, but this is a pretty good snow. Everything closed…schools, restaurants, stores, everything possible. Someone on TV had made a sled out of two crutches as the runners! We don’t have sleds, snow shovels (well, we do have one leftover from a few years in Oklahoma!), or maybe not even windshield ice scrapers. The land is pretty flat here but there is one halfway decent hill where people are sledding, I see on the news. Some people are using baking sheets to slide on! I see cardboard, plastic bin covers, anything you can think of to slide on! The reporter said it’s like skiing in Aspen on that hill!
That photo is out my kitchen window so you can see the screen! When I went to bed last night at midnight there was snow sticking to the roof but not the ground yet. I was so afraid the forecast wasn’t going to pan out and we’d wake up to birds chirping and the sun shining! But no, the snow really happened!! I’m like a kid having a Snow Day from school! And kids in Houston don’t get those very often!
Looks like the snow is stopping here now. I’d love it to snow all day! Maybe I will venture out and see if I can make a snowman!
Happy Snow Day!!