Is this the most gorgeous Paper Pumpkin Kit we ever had or is this the most gorgeous Paper Pumpkin Kit we have ever had??! This Sweet Sunflowers Paper Pumpkin Kit for August 2022 is so pretty! You have never seen prettier envelopes (lower right corner) than this kit has! Some crafters are cutting up the envelopes to make into cards they think the designs are so pretty! Some crafters are cutting the cards in half and using the beautifully designed back of the cards to make more cards! In any Paper Pumpkin Kit, you get all the supplies, including adhesive, to make the project, whether cards or treats or whatever it is. It’s one of the best kinds of mail you can get in your mailbox every month!
This Sweet Sunflowers Kit probably has the most alternatives you can make with the contents than any other Paper Pumpkin Kit ever invented! As I said, people are cutting things apart to make more things! But first, I always like to make the cards as designed, which is what I did for this blog post! Then I will think about other ideas, if I want to make different designs and then make more cards!
These are the cards I made, as designed for the kit. The artists really did a fantastic job designing these cards and kit contents!
Most months, if you are a Paper Pumpkin subscriber, you can purchase a kit you missed or want more of, or the refill just for extra materials to make more cards or projects. But I heard this kit sold out. We’ll have to see if that is true.
Every Paper Pumpkin Kit also has a video you can watch to see how it goes together, plus pictorial instructions!
You may not be able to get this kit, but don’t miss the next holiday ones! Next to this pretty kit, always enjoy the holiday kits for Halloween and Christmas! This is the next kit coming up! I can’t wait! And when they decorate the box, you know you are getting something special!