The other day I was looking in the closet wondering if I had more Valentine decorations than I had found so far. I’m used to SO many decorations for Halloween and Christmas that one red and white plastic bag just didn’t seem like that could possibly be all I had for Valentine’s Day! It actually was pretty much true, but I did come across just a couple more things and one was this old Valentine Collage that I made some years ago! I don’t recall how many years ago! All I can say is that the famous Owl Punch was a thing as you can see in the last square and also that Pretty In Pink was a regular Stampin’ Up! color at the time!
I wondered if I had a frame the Valentine Collage would fit in because obviously it had been in a frame at one time. The backing was still underneath the collage in the closet. I probably swapped it out for a Christmas collage at some point. As luck would have it, I did find a nice white frame for it. I just had to trim down the outside edges a little bit. I think it had to be fate that I found this collage in the closet AND a frame to put it in for my Valentine decorating!
Even though this Valentine Collage is way past its time, it can still provide inspiration for you to make something similar yourself for your home decor or even a gift for someone. You can make twelve squares or you can double-up two squares and make a rectangle in some of the spaces. Or put four squares into one big square! Whatever you like!
You might want to choose a frame first so you know what size to make your collage. You wouldn’t want to have to cut into or too close to your design. Maybe you would prefer a square shape. Lots of possibilities!
Think about making a fun, quick collage, maybe even a smaller one, for Valentine’s Day! You have time! Here’s an example of a smaller collage from twelve years ago!!
Or jump ahead To Easter if you like to plan ahead! Just have fun with it!