What Is the Simply Shammy?

Simply ShammyWhat is the Simply Shammy?  It may be a new product that you overlooked in the catalog or you wondered how in the world would it clean my stamps?  The Simply Shammy is a new way to clean our stamps and it works VERY well!  It starts out as this beautiful purple, unblemished!  And then you use it, and that’s it! Its pretty purpleness is ruined forever!

Simply Shammy Used

This picture is after the first time I used it. I forget what I was stamping, I think trying out new colors or something.  It’s kind of like when you get a Big Shot and die cut with it the first time and almost die when you see it has etched your brand new shiny clear cutting pad!  But that’s how it works.  Same with the Shammy.  Use it and don’t worry about it!

This is how it works:  Wet the Simply Shammy with water at your sink, getting it completely wet. Wring it out. Wipe or tap your stamp on the Shammy after stamping. That’s it!  The stamp is clean!  Stamp with the cleaned stamp on scrap paper.  You won’t see any remaining ink on the paper like we sometimes get with the Stampin’ Scrub because the pads have collected a lot of ink and when you stamp on scrap paper you can almost see a reddish brown stamp impression. (Unless you clean the pads really often! And who among us does that??!)

The Simply Shammy fits nicely in the Clear-Mount Stamp Cases so you might want to order a set of 4 of the empty cases, use one for the Shammy and use the others for something else, like paper scraps or embellishments. Or boot a very old stamp set out of its case and use that!

When you are finished stamping, be sure to leave the Shammy out so it will dry.  Do not close the stamp case unless you are coming back to it in a little while. People have said they start to smell funky if you leave them in a closed case or closed plastic bag.

When you leave the Shammy to dry, it will get hard and maybe even a little out of shape and you may think it has been ruined.  Do not fear, just take it to the sink again and wet it thoroughly (It takes a second for the water to start absorbing) and it will be good as new.

Now the ink stains will remain on the Simply Shammy, but will not transfer to your fingers or stamps. It’s just a fact of life. It will look messy and ugly after your first use.  But it cleans stamps like a gem, very easily, and like I said, the stamp don’t have that “dirty ink” on it afterward.  I have a second one on the way that I plan to cut into smaller pieces, maybe fourths, and see if I think that is handier, like perhaps wiping off a stamp on the Stamparatus.  But for general stamping at the table, the large size is good.  And you can turn it over to the other side, too!

So what about the Stampin’ Scrub??  Well, I still keep mine handy and find it quicker to use if I am just stamping one card or using just one stamp.  I can just spritz the Stampin’ Scrub quickly with the Stampin’ Mist and clean my stamp. If I am doing more stamping, then it’s easier to wet the Simply Shammy and have it on the table.  Just don’t let any of your paper or card touch the surface and get wet! (Don’t ask how I came up with that tip!)

I hope you will try the new Simply Shammy!  Put it on your next order!  I feel sure you will like it a lot!  You will find it in the new catalog on page 206 in the Accessories.


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