Today, June 20th is World Productivity Day! I don’t think Stampin’ Up! has a stamp set for that, but here are 3 ways to maximize your creative time! We crafty people would probably all say we never have enough creative time because, for the most part, we would love to be playing with our stamping and crafting almost all day everyday! Forget the laundry and meals!!
Since we have limited time to be creative, here are some ways that might help you with the creative time you do have!
Determine your best creative time. Think about what the best time for you is to set aside some stamping time. If 10:00 am is really when you should be doing some household chores, then probably avoiding those while you make a card might not be the best time. Many crafters seem to find they feel very creative late at night, maybe because the day’s work is done and there is free time. However, if this prevents you from going to bed at a reasonable time or keeps you awake when you do go to bed because your mind is whirling with ideas, then perhaps an earlier time is better!
Plan ahead and know what you are going to make. If you like to look at lots of ideas, make note of things you want to make so that you don’t waste time trying to find that idea again! Either open a Word Document or Notepad on your computer or phone and make note of the links or ideas or email them to yourself (I do this a LOT!) (and I can never remember where I saw the idea in the first place even though I was positive I would!!). If you already have an idea of what to make, you don’t have to spend your precious crafting time browsing ideas and then run out of time or even cannot decide WHAT to make seeing so many possibilities! For some people, keeping a journal or notebook handy to write down ideas works well.
Keep your supplies handy! The craft supplies you use the most should be almost at the tip of your fingers! If you have to pull a box out of your closet in order to make something, you could just as easily decide it’s too much trouble and not do it. You don’t even need an elaborate craft room, just some space, even a tabletop or desk, where you know you will sit and craft. Then in whatever storage manner works for you, keep your supplies available to grab easily.
For me, I keep my current catalog products on a bookshelf in my utility room right by the kitchen table and other things on a nearby desk even though I actually stamp on the kitchen table. If you are an empty nester, you can probably shove your supplies to the other end of the table and still eat dinner there, but it helps if you know where each item gets put away so cleanup is quick and easy. All my older supplies go into another bedroom to use when I need them, but I’m mostly going to use my new stuff! When it all becomes available again, perhaps the new Storage by Stampin’ Up! will be helpful to you! (Check the Online Store – looks to me like some things are available now.)
And while you have your supplies out and are making a card, go ahead and make a couple more of the same card or just change one thing like the designer paper or greeting so you have something different but you don’t have to think up another design. And don’t fret over which ribbon or color or embellishment because the recipient is not going to question why you didn’t choose a different shade of yellow or another style of ribbon! They will just like the card that you took time to make for them!
I hope these ideas might help you to maximize your creative time when you have it so you can accomplish more and be more efficient in your crafting!
Oh, and……….Happy World Productivity Day!